Blog (my web musings)

Find out what's interesting me, get tips, advice, and code gems that don't fit elsewhere.

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Blog Entries

Blog: Track 'New' Content Links | 26th May 15
Read my latest entry in the blog; Flag new content to visitors, and remove the icon when they've read the page. Local storage saves visited links.

Blog: Circular Pie Chart Menu | 11th May 15
Read my latest entry in the blog; The quest to make a circular menu, with inner rings and segments. Be warned, it croaks in Internet Explorer.

Blog: Opt-Out of Responsive Design | 16th Apr 15
Read my latest entry in the blog; Letting users opt-out of responsive website design to view fixed width desktop layouts on mobile/ tablet.

Blog: Modal Gallery IE8 support | 27th Jan 15
Read about my latest freebie script; Using Selectivizr to make the Modal Gallery work in IE8 - view big pics in a :target triggered modal overlay.

Blog: CSS/content switch + save | 19th Dec 14
Read my latest entry in the blog; Use PHP and cookies to switch stylesheets or load alternative content based on user selection.

Blog: Mobile Side Menu (inc. IE7/8) | 28th Oct 14
Read about my latest freebie script; Revisiting the CSS3 Multi-Level, Off-Canvas Mobile Menu to give IE7/8 support with JavaScript.

Blog: Content Slider (JS auto-play) | 11th Oct 14
Read about my latest freebie script; Revisiting the RWD CSS3 Any Content Slider to give it JS auto-play and toggle controls to start / stop playback.

Blog: Banish the 300ms touch delay | 21st Aug 14
Read my latest entry in the blog; Beating the 300ms delay on touch devices and closing sub-menus by tapping in the outside area.

Blog: 3 Ways to resize web images | 15th Aug 14
Read my latest entry in the blog; A round-up of 3 useful image resizing / scaling CSS techniques to use in responsive web design.

Blog: Modal Gallery + pagination | 10th Jul 14
Read about my latest freebie script; Discussing earlier limits and how v4/5 improve performance, manageability and maintainability.